NexGen Design Technologies is outsourcing service company with main focus on iPhone, iPod, Android, Java/J2EE application development, web development in particular Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, etc.
MS Technology is the independent leader in Document Viewer and Conversion, and SDKs technology solutions for Java and .NET.
jMonkeyEngine is a modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.
Bridge anything Java with anything .NET, anywhere. JNBridge makes the incompatible compatible, managing the complexities so you don't have to.
Курс Java,J2EE,PHP - Пулсар, Битола. Најпрактични стручни курсеви со кој ќе добиете практично знаење и можност за добивање на работа.
Resource Standard Metrics, or RSM provides a standard method for analyzing C, ANSI C++, C# and Java source code across operating systems.
It will be very useful for every Java developer to understand what the JVM is, how the code gets into it and how it is executed. The article is more suitable for beginners, but more experienced programmers can also find something new in it.
Personal Finance Tricks That May Transform Your Finances No magic is necessary to successfully handle your personal finances. In the event you approach your financial situation sensibly and incorporate some practical strategies to you, you are able t
Virtua provides expert training, mentoring, architecture, and development for teams with working with Polymer, Angular, PrimeNG, JSF, PrimeFaces, Java EE, and other technologies.
DevOps Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for running microservice and legacy applications in public, private and multi-cloud using Java, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, Docker & Kubernetes. Automated scaling and clustering, zero code change deploy, intuit
Vi på webbyrå BartDaniel gör vårt yttersta för att skapa din hemsida på bästa sätt. Vi håller till i Göteborg. Hör av dig om du vill bygga i Wordpress, CSS, Java etc.
Offering resources for enterprise software developers and programming professionals, Application Development Trends offers news, resources and best practices on topics like .NET, Java, enterprise architecture, big data, open source development, PHP,
Marathon Integrated Testing Environment – MarathonITE, is an affordable, easy-to-use, cross-platform test automation tool for Java/Swing™, Java/FX™ and Web applications. Using MarathonITE you can quickly automate your daily tests.
Breakfast, burgers, surf ’n’ turf & java drinks are featured at this homey spot with a relaxed vibe.
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