Tuition-Free Graduate Distance Bible School & Seminary of Apologetics, Theology and Christian Ministry
Summit Ministries trains Christians in apologetics, worldview analysis, and social engagement.
SHIELDS: Responses to issues raised by critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon, Jesus Christ, LDS).
A Word from the Word features the apologetics and expository Bible teaching of Dan Hayden. A Biblical Learning Center to encourage growth in spiritual maturity with a Christ-centered focus. Daily devotional, word study, Bible study, Christian podcast
A Christian education ministry in Biblically-based creation apologetics to defend against the false teachings of naturalism.
This DVD is a message based on this article. Commentators seem to think that this section of Habakkuk was addressing the Ceasars and their drunken desire for po
The teaching ministry of Eric Barger with information on Bible prophecy, apostasy and error in the Church, the new age movement, cults, Christian apologetics, the occult and spiritual warfare.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
It is with great sorrow that Talk Reason announces the death of TR co-founder and major contributor Mark Perakh on May 7, 2013, following a brief illness. He was 88 years old.
For over 35 years Lawrence Hilliard has taught philosophy, theology, Christianity, Judaism, Creation, doctrine, apologetics, history, religion, ethics, exegetics, faith.
Welcome to Catholic Truths! What the Apostle Peter told the early Christians nearly 2000 years ago is worthy advice even today - for persons of any faith: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks
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For over 40 years Apologetics Press has published books related to alleged Bible discrepancies and contradictions, the existence of God, the inspirati
This website surveys the origin and development of Roman Catholic Christianity from the period of the apostolic church, through the post-apostolic church and into the conciliar movement. Principal attention is paid to the biblical basis of both do
Watchman Fellowship is a Christian apologetics ministry focusing on cults and alternative religions.
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