Founded in 2000, One People’s Project seeks to combat right wing groups and individuals by exposing their threat to the world. We serve as a resource to those on the frontlines fighting fascism – especially those who don’t play nice! We are all worki
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Y'know how sometimes you hear the voice of your dead mother in your head commanding you to murder sorority girls with a chainsaw and keep their eyeballs in a big jar of formaldehyde? Don't you hate that? I mean, does she have ANY IDEA how hard it is
The mission of ADL is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.
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Compiled by Raymond A. Franklin Forward corrections and additions to: NOTE: Effective July 1, 2008, the Hate Directory will no longer be available through
Information on 'Love and Hate in Jamestown,' the New York Times-acclaimed history of John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Jamestown colony.
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As a Filipina-American woman, my heart was shattered when I read about the six Asian women recently murdered in Atlanta and my mind continues to be in this overwhelmed state as more and more hate crimes continue to happen. First, I want to express co
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