Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) is dedicated to ending routine, non-therapeutic circumcision – the genital cutting of infants. Babies are born with perfectly designed genitalia, and no one has the right to inflict this unnecessary procedure on
Our mission is to raise awareness and facilitate healing. Since 1991, the Center has been a valuable source of male circumcision information.
Brit Yosef Yitzchak is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing brit milah, adult male, teen and newborn circumcision services free of charge to any Jew anywhere in the world.
Rabbi Zachary Hepner, certified New York Mohel and New Jersey Mohel since 1997. Call Rabbi Hepner to schedule your son's bris or circumcision.
10,000 successful circumcisions performed, over 27 years at our circumcision clinic in London. We focus on safety, minimising discomfort & cosmetic outcome.
Welcome to my web site! Hello, my name is Doctor Abraham J. Benyunes and I would like to formally welcome you to my web site.
Welcome to the website on Bris Milah (Ritual Circumcision) featuring Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn, one of the most popular Mohelim in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut areas over the last thirty years. loaded Intact America NOCIRC is a member of the International Coalition for Genital Integrity. NOCIRC is an affiliate of theAlliance for Transforming the Lives of Children.
Circumcision Videos: Four distinctly different videos explain why opposition to circumcision is growing and why the circumcision rate is declining. What do other informed and compassionate parents know that you should know?
Congratulations (Mazel Tov) on the birth or expected arrival of your son. I am a full time GP and a mohel for the London and South East UK Jewish community. I have been performing Brit Milah - circumcision for ten years and average 3 a week.
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